Sunday, February 15, 2009

I won Blog Candy!!

I entered a contest on and actually won!! This is the first time I have ever won blog candy and I am so excited! It's a seriously cool prize, too. I will be checking my mailbox every day now for the next week and stalking the mailperson.......hehe. Thanks Christina!!

1 comment:

Christy said...

LMBO! I am so glad it made your day. Don't go stalking him yet. It makes them nervous! LMBO. It's going out this afternoon or first thing in the morning. I already have it all packaged up and ready to go just depends on how cooperative the munchkins are after school. Tomorrow is a preK day for Kate so I'll be kid free. So if it's not this afternoon it'll definitely be the morn =) Can't wait to see what you do with it all!!!!

for stopping by!